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News & Veranstaltungen

Enough is Enough

As we all know, in Ukraine a war is going on.

Every day big cities are bombed and hundreds of people are dying including children and babies. Even more women and children are leaving their homes and fleeing to other countries like Germany and Poland. 

We as a class want to draw attention to this problem because it's horrible that an issue like this can still take place in 2022. To stop this we need to attack the economy of russia* and stop sending them money. Because if we keep sending money we help the russian military and economy. Germany is still sending money to russia and in exchange Germany is getting fossil fuels.

35% of all oil that is used in Germany comes from russia. Gas makes up to 55%, and coal 50%.** But why do we need so much fossil fuels?

Oil is in our everyday life and it's used especially for fuel production but also to generate electricity. Coal is mainly used to generate heat and electricity, just as is gas. As you can see russia is a really big supplier for Germany. But what could we do to get off this dependence? What can we do to stop the war and bring peace into the world? We as a class of students decided to write a brochure against the dependence of russia, we hope you'll read it and find useful advice.